
On the job site, your skills are a lot easier to apply when you have the right applicators. The right applicators can save you time, spare you a lot of aggravation and help you keep your customers happy so you can get paid and move on to the next job.

Apply Faster

Roller covers and roller trays are important tools for putting on paint, stain and anything else needed to finish the job. With 22 inch roller trays and 18 inch roller covers, you can cover surfaces twice as quickly. Larger applicators mean you can be close to finished with the second coat before the competition is even done with the first one.

Apply Smoothly

Excessive amounts of grout sealant can damage the site, and it needs to be cleaned up quickly -- not to mention wasted material costs you money. With grout wand replacement tips, you can ensure the right amount of sealant comes out when and where you need it. Check out our floor finishers that can be cut to precise sizes and held in your hand for a single stroke of application. Woven and foam floor coaters are also available to make applying finishes to floors of any type a breeze, without the excessive number of strokes.

Apply in Comfort

Having to bend, stoop and kneel to apply grout is painful, and may even put you out of commission for awhile. With a grout wand, you can stand and apply with precision from a comfortable position. 

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