Choosing tile and grout colors can be daunting enough task for you remodel. But it doesn’t just stop there, now you must decide, what type of tile suits my needs? What type of grout is best? While these are not the easiest of answers these quick tips can help you along.
Choosing Tile
When choosing a tile make sure to not fall into the trap of cost and look
alone. For example you wouldn’t want to install a smooth shiny looking tile on
a bathroom floor, that’s an accident waiting to happen! Nor would you want to
install a beautiful but porous and super absorbent travertine on a kitchen counter.
This is only a couple of examples of things that can go wrong long term, so make
sure to consult with an expert in the industry, or you can give us a call at Tile
Tools HQ.
Choosing Grout
Grouts have come a long way in the last 10 years and that is a good thing for the
consumer. But now there is so much variety in function it can be very confusing
on picking the right grout for you. Here are a few of the main types of grout.
Cement Grout
The most common grout, inexpensive, relatively easy to work with and install.
The downsides are after installation color may not be accurate, and maintenance
is greater.
High Polymer Grout
Excellent color retention and accuracy, still easy to work with, slight
increase in cost. Contrary to popular belief it performs like a sealed grout
but still absorbs water and dirt over time.
Epoxy Grout
Costly and difficult to install. Truly a non-maintenance grout that these days
even looks more like a traditional grout.
Balancing, look, function, cost, ease of installation, and availability is no easy task, but we are always here to help if you need questions answered!